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    The global market share of modern hydrogen fuel cell vehicles has ranked first for three consecutive years
    2022/2/8 15:47:08

    On February 8, SNE research, a new energy market research institution in South Korea, released the relevant information about its share in the global hydrogen fuel cell vehicle market in 2021. According to the data, Hyundai Motor has become the first with a market share of 53.5%, and has remained the first for three consecutive years.

    Hydrogen fuel cell vehicle

    Overall, in 2021, the global sales volume of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles increased by 83% year-on-year to 17400 vehicles. At present, the hydrogen energy infrastructure is not perfect, and the promotion degree of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles in various regions is also different. In the future, with the development of technology and infrastructure, it is expected to accelerate the promotion.

    Specifically, Hyundai won the championship with a market share of 53.5%, with a sales volume of 9300 vehicles. It should be noted that although the sales volume increased by 41.9% compared with 6500 vehicles in 2020, the market share decreased from 69% to 53.3%.

    In addition, Toyota accounted for 34.2% of the global hydrogen fuel cell vehicle market in 2021, with 5900 vehicles sold, ranking second. Foton Motor, a Chinese commercial vehicle manufacturer, successfully ranked among the top three with a sales volume of 4000 vehicles and a market share of 2.1%. In addition, Honda ranked second with a market share of 1.7%.

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