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    Review the 2021 global hydrogen energy event and the wonderful moment of Pearl hydrogen energy exhibition!
    2021/12/16 15:04:23

    At the hydrogen energy industry conference of the United Nations Development Programme in 2021, Nanhai District government officials of Foshan City announced the demonstration project of Pearl's 1000 hydrogen fuel cell two wheeled vehicles, which is another proof of Pearl's ability to accumulate 16 years of comprehensive application solutions of fuel cell products and hydrogen energy. President Wu took the stage on behalf of the company to participate in the grand launching ceremony of the project.

    Let's enjoy the wonderful moments of the exhibition:

    Hydrogen energy industry conference of the United Nations Development Programme in 2021
    Hydrogen energy industry conference of the United Nations Development Programme in 2021

    Foshan Nanhai District government officials announced the demonstration project of panye's 1000 hydrogen fuel cell two wheeled vehicles

    Foshan Nanhai District government officials announced the demonstration project of panye's 1000 hydrogen fuel cell two wheeled vehicles

    Demonstration project of 1000 hydrogen fuel cell two wheeled vehicles in Pear
    Demonstration project of 1000 hydrogen fuel cell two wheeled vehicles in Pear

    In the outdoor exhibition area, the test drive project of Pearl hydrogen energy hydrogen fuel cell two wheeled vehicle is widely popular!

    Pearl hydrogen energy hydrogen fuel cell two wheeled vehicle

    Pearl hydrogen energy hydrogen fuel cell two wheeled vehicle

    Even detective Li, the star DJ of Nanhai radio station Feiyue 924 and Changjia Foshan, can't help but come to test drive our hydrogen fuel cell two wheeled vehicle!

    There are also displays of Pearl hydrogen fuel cell forklift, sweeper and tour bus:

    Pearl hydrogen fuel cell product exhibition

    As an important exhibitor of Nanhai Pavilion in this exhibition, Pearl hydrogen energy booth has attracted much attention. Customers from all over the country come in an endless stream and the atmosphere is warm.

    Pearl hydrogen fuel cell Nanhai Pavilion

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