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    Hydrogen fuel cell bicycle Solution

    The fuel cell based on Pearl's air-cooled and self-humidifying technology makes us closer to green transportation. Although traditional fuel cell technology can provide zero-emission transportation solutions, the complex system structure, sensitivity to environmental conditions, and high costs have become an obstacle to the commercialization of fuel cells.
    Pearl’s PASH technology effectively overcomes the obstacles that were mentioned above, making fuel cell integration and application easier. EOS series fuel cells, as the latest generation of Pearl fuel cells, will provide reliable and clean solutions for various vehicles and tools!
    Easy to be integrated
    EOS series fuel cells have good environmental adaptability and simple structure, and are easy to be integrated into the system to replace traditional products without big changes to the original structure.
    Hydrogen fuel cell bicycle
    There is almost no need to modify the original frame structure to directly integrate the fuel cell into the bicycle.

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